Eastern Medicine
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in healing, improving and maintaining health and the functions of the body. It is practiced all over the world, and can be used in conjunction with conventional Western medicine, other forms of therapy and prescription medication and supplements. Acupuncture is performed using very thin, single-use needles, much different from the hollow hypodermic needles doctors use. They are gently and shallowly inserted and stimulated; the sensation experienced depends on the individual. It may feel like a tap or a pinch, itch or tingle, or not at all. Any discomfort, if any, quickly fades.
Acupuncture Treatments
The initial treatment takes approximately an hour and a half. Follow-up appointments last about an hour. Most patients feel either energized or relaxed after the treatment and should make sure to follow up by drinking plenty of water. The number of treatments required for optimal health is determined on a case by case basis. For complex or chronic conditions, two or three visits per week may be necessary. Acute injuries and conditions may need just a few treatments, and health maintenance, once a month for a tune-up.
While acupuncture can bring immediate relief to discomfort, it is not a “quick fix”. Rather it should be considered part of a holistic approach to your physical and emotional well-being. Your practitioner will work with you to identify the imbalances that are impacting you and make lifestyle recommendations to maximize your health.
Massage, Acupuncture and Cupping were originally meant to be performed together to address blockages, disease and pain sites in the body. Our combined sessions with Massage, Acupuncture, Reiki and Cupping are uniquely suited to each client and offer an in-depth approach to health and wellness. Memberships with us help our clients achieve a new standard of living.
Acupuncture Practitioner
Tim Nguyen
Certified (NCCAOM) Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Acupuncturist
Tim Nguyen, LAc, Dipl. OM is a State Board & Nationally certified (NCCAOM) traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. He was trained both in China & United States. He graduated in 2006 from ACTCM with honors and got Harris Foundation Awards. Currently he is a clinical instructor at ICAOM, an acupuncture school, in Honolulu. Prior to moving to Honolulu, he had worked in major hospitals in HangZhou, China, and had been working with major fertility & pain clinics in California, including Nova IVF, Bay IVF, Stanford and Palo Alto Medical Foundation. At Acupuncture & Wellness Center, his integrative & comprehensive approach is designed to treat the whole individual (body, mind, and spirit) according to each client’s health care needs. By customizing and combining of variety of therapies (acupuncture, cupping, non-needle technique, herbs, supplements, nutritional/diet counseling, and healthy lifestyle recommendations), Tim specializes in treating:
Tim aims to launch a comprehensive/integrative approach to healthcare for patients. He loves working with people and helping one person at a time reach his/her optimal health. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, hiking, swimming, tennis, and being out in nature. My sessions with Tim are always very tranquil and alleviating. We are so lucky to share his space and have him assist us further in our wellness journeys. You can visit his website at acupuncturewell.net.